Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I started a new piece of sewn pieces of satin ribbon. As I was working, I couldn't help but think about how I used to make clothes for my dolls out of scraps of material and lace my grandmother gave me. This is one of the pieces of old doll clothing I have held onto.


grandfunkmayo said...

are you gonna use that old doll clothing, or is it something you found online, or what? i can see it in your studio already, one way or the other.

Karen said...

I can't understand what the point is to your comment, but I will try to answer it the best I can. If you are asking if I am going to start cutting up pieces of my old dolls clothes and incorporate them into my works, the answer is no. These things have sentimental value to me. I want to keep these things as a reference to my past. It is the act of sewing and the materials used, in this case lace and ribbon, that I am attracted to.

grandfunkmayo said...

i just meant i can see the forms in your work, but maybe not. that's how i see it. reference, or actually as a part of the work, that was the basic question, i suppose.

Karen said...

thanks scott for explaining!