Friday, April 11, 2008

can anyone read spanish?

this is the website i found when i was trying to confirm a petition that a pretty reliable friend reposted on myspace. if it is true, it represents exactly why pluralism needs to end in every way.

the myspace petition was written by a british artist, to the central american biennial and any gallery that represents Guillermo Habacuc Vargas, the puerto rican representative to said biennial. supposedly, and so far i have no reason to believe anything otherwise, this "artist" (in the worst sense of the word) paid local children to catch a stray dog, a dog which the "artist" proceeded to tether in a gallery space, with words on the wall made out of dog food, and other tantalizing things just out of reach, all to make the dog's last days and hours even more miserable than the simple starvation would have caused. yes, the "artwork," which many gallery patrons observed and i'm sure remarked upon very deeply and ironically, was the act of letting the dog starve to death. Guillermo Habacuc Vargas has been invited to recreate the event at the central american biennial in honduras, and if any of you were wondering what intellectual art's extremes were, i think we may have found them.

let me know if this is in any way untrue, or, alternately, a reasonable piece of artwork.

1 comment:

Qnomad said...

it sadly seems to be true. That is truly sick in every way- sick and cruel. The people that interpreted the piece as art- well, you can talk about the implications/consequences of anything is a distanced intellectual way but it just doesn't erase the fact that this was simply an act of cruelty. If he had strapped himself in a gallery I would have said, 'he's crazy' but this is just downright evil. YARG