Friday, February 1, 2008


Flocke is a baby polar bear being hand raised at a zoo in Germany.

circadian rhythm and blues

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Two for the Price of One...

Two totally unrelated quotes from books I've read recently:

"Such journeys have convinced me that it is not always possible to restore one's
boundaries afterthey have been blurred and made permeable by a relationship:
try as we might, we cannot reconstitute ourselves as the autonomous beings we
previously imagined ourselves to be. Something of us is now outside, and
something of the other is now within us."

-- from The Reluctant Fundamentalist, by Mohsin Hamid

"Born into the postmodern spectacle, GenXers know no other language than the
language of the spectacle, they know no other talk nor walk other than that of the
spectacle; and by definition, the spectacle knows completely the language of the
youth culture, who despite their efforts will remain naive prisoners of conformity
to the amusement society."

-- from Generation X Goes to College, by Peter Sacks

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A strange found old photograph and the artist Santi Moix...

Rainbow, Glaciar Perito Moreno

Crystal Cave

william kentridge

audience tension

David Lynch's Blue Velvet--two hours of violent and commendable tension.

death of a language

"A woman believed to be the last native speaker of the Eyak language in the north-western US state of Alaska has died at the age of 89."

Monday, January 28, 2008

light effects

I was stretching a bunch of canvases the other day - when I leaned a finished one against the window, this light pattern shone through.

Up In Smoke!

Check out this link to Cheech Marin's Chicano art collection. I had the pleasure of meeting him when he visited FSU last year. Real cool dude with much substance...

i've never seen a vermeer in bosnia...

but i have seen a shepard fairey in america.


eric white...

The Truth Yet Again Asserts Itself in Obdurate Reprisal, And in So Doing Belies the Fact That You, No Longer Besieged by Doubt, Have Come to the Conclusion That Maybe Things Aren't Really All That Bad After All

painting by eric white

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Vienna saw sages

wow. the "Hundertwasserhaus." This is a low-income apartment block in Vienna, (designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser) which features undulating floors, dirt/grass roof, and indoor trees with limbs that reach outta the windows. From the looks of it, does seem that this structure sticks to his ideas from his Mould Manifesto:

"A person in a rented apartment must be able to lean out of his window and scrape off the masonry within arm's reach. And he must be allowed to take a long brush and paint everything outside within arm's reach. So that it will be visible from afar to everyone in the street that someone lives there who is different from the imprisoned, enslaved, standardised man who lives next door."

ha, I should leave a copy at the front desk for my landlord.
