Saturday, April 12, 2008

Good lord, Matthew Marks

Hmmm....I was very excited to be assigned the Matthew Marks Gallery because I know it's Terry Winters gallery.....but a lot of this work either had the effect of irritating the crap out of me or just didn't seem to relate to any one of us in particular. That said, I make these recommendations with some reservations....

For example, Robert Gober might connect to Jules in a really superficial kind of way. Maybe looking at it will clarify things you don't want to fall into....The Untitled Candle piece is the one that seems to hold up for me but it's still so showy. Let me know what you think about his work. It seems like the work comes out of a tension between an outside morality structure and the individual and in that way might be interesting but....I just can't shake the ease of that reading.'s so showy. 

Andreas Gursky seems to exist in a world between Scott and Mandy. Probably closer to Scott than Mandy considering the distance from the subject. I don't get the sense that this artist is trying to spin anything.

Karen...have a look at Terry Winter's Meshworks pieces if you haven't already. You are talking about two very different things but it still might do something for you. Besides, you might be talking about sex and he might be talking about technology but as we know....those things aren't so separate anymore! that could be really interesting work though....Terry Winters with a dirty streak. Sign me up!

Now I have to listen to Midnight Vultures.
I can't look at this gallery any more...

1 comment:

Qnomad said...

I found more after awhile...Matthew Marks has been redeemed.