Thursday, April 17, 2008

Karen! meet Karen...

man oh man, I really like these.
Karen, this is KAREN ARM at the PPOW gallery:

these really remind me of your pieces; they look like your biomorphic forms but linearly mapped out--kinda like if you redrew them on a chalkboard or something. they also are surprisingly dimensional for line drawings...or paintings. (they're actually acyrlic on canvas!)

...'n urinals for Scott:)
just reminds me of some of the drawings in your sketchbook, although these lines aren't quite as active; just plain-o crosshatching, but the circular format was kinda funny, like you the viewer are looking through a peephole:

(the artist's name is SANDOW BIRK, and this is called "Canto 2 from Paradiso")...

For Kelly:
I didn't know Carolee Schneeman drew/painted. I kinda dug these, some of the overt color and compositional decisions reminded me of your paintings:

for Jules:
Bill Smith. This sculpture seems to own, or haunt this space, very much like your piece in the sculpture show seems to own its wall (dunno if that makes sense; just that there's a sense that the objects live there, not that these are just objects are placed or suspended...)

1 comment:

grandfunkmayo said...

sandow birk was the artist at the print conference that i talked about making those huge woodcuts with a printmaker, but only printing a couple copies, and selling them for like 100 grand. interesting stuff, though, i think...